Monday, July 18, 2011

When the rain starts falling.. It's to late/ deception

There is a new urgency in the body of Christ. Time has started ticking. Ever since Israel became a nation the clock started ticking again. It is drawing closer and closer to the day of the Lord. Darkness is increasing at a rapid speed so is light as the darkness gets darker the light will shine brighter. People are calling good evil and evil good. "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." Isiah 5:20 People are labeling evil as good and we are buying into it. I was just reading in National Geographic kids a sneak peak at a book that is now out called "Museum of Thieves" OK. So I read the big bold statement of the book. "Sometimes it Takes a Thief to make a Hero" When has a thief been good. Stealing is evil. No matter if your a Christian or another religion stealing is obviously evil. We have made that the kids books in America. Putting it before children who can not discern deception and let them have their hero be a thief. Tangled is another example the hero in the movie Flynn i a thief. Look people. Open your eyes to the deception that is coming like a storm. We are being fed with what the world says with our eyes closed. Listening to it because it is what we want to hear. It does sound good to our itching ears, but it is not truth. "A Series of Unfortunate Events" Why is it so entertaining to read about awful things happening to people. We must know truth. If you love to read like I do be constantly on alert for deception in books. I would encourage you to just read the Bible because it is absolute truth. They will call you a fool for wasting you life. It will be worth it all. As in the days of Noah scoffers will come and laugh. You have to build your relationship with the the Lord so you will not be shaken, deceived, or utterly confused. Because you do not know the truth and you will be offend at God. You will not know what he said and you will be utterly deceived. Seek truth, seek God. Trust only  in him not in America, Obama, your parents or anything else except the Lord.